Author Archives: Roland Turner

Submission to PDPC

Our thanks to all who joined us on Monday or wrote to us in advance.

The session didn’t run as smoothly as I’d envisaged, but it occurred to me afterwards that this fact was itself valuable input for our submission. Pre-emptively addressing things that non-experts don’t understand is why the guidelines are being proposed in the first place! So, several of the things which led to lengthy “how does this work?” discussions now appear in our submission as areas for improvement in the guidelines.

Here is our submission as we provided it to PDPC.

ISOC policy framework for an open and trusted Internet

This is slightly dated (earlier this year) but is interesting reading nonetheless:

User trust: How and why Internet users – including government, private sector and citizens – trust the Internet, and how to build that trust.

Technologies for trust: The technical building blocks for establishing and maintaining trusted networks, applications and services.

Trusted networks: The Internet’s strength is that it is an ever-evolving collection of interconnected networks with distributed ownership and control. Trust is the glue that keeps networks connected and exchanging data.

Trustworthy ecosystem: How the Internet is governed and how it deals with Internet issues.

ISOC North America Director Mark Buell on Net Neutrality


We hope that the U.S. government can take a more sustainable approach to net neutrality; one that upholds the principles that are rooted in the Internet Society’s core values of a global and open Internet. Between seemingly endless court battles and the fact that FCC regulations can change from one US Presidential administration to another, it is clear that we need to try something different. Americans need clarity in this debate.

(full post)