ISocSG AGM and standards feedback session

When: Friday, January 24⋅7:00 – 9:00pm
Where: WeWork at 15 Beach Road, Beach Centre, Room 1A

We are at last ready to resume normal operation of ISocSG! Please join us for our 2025 AGM and a feedback session on new standards from IMDA and CSA.

AGM agenda
– Credentials
– Previous minutes: adoption and matters arising
– Committee report on FYE2024
– Financial report on FYE2024
– Election of officers
– Minor constitutional amendments (e.g. updating the financial year to be the calendar year)
– 2025 activities

Feedback session agenda
– Data Protection Trustmark
– Tiered cybersecurity standards for organisations (TR 106)

Membership subscriptions

Only members who have paid this year’s annual subscription are eligible to participate in the AGM. As we’ve not yet regained access to our bank account we can only accept payment by cash at the meeting this time around, so we’ll take some time prior to opening the meeting to collect payments. Annual subscriptions are as follows:

  • $50 for working individuals.
  • $30 for tertiary students and NSmen.
  • $20 for secondary school students and retirees.
  • $200 for corporates.

Renewing members need only pay the amount above. For people wishing to apply to become a member, there will also be a short application form to complete.

People wishing to appoint a proxy to the meeting (see below) will also need to have their proxy pay the subscription on their behalf, in addition to the proxy’s own subscription.


Nomination in advance of the meeting is encouraged as it gives nominees time to think through what they want to do, however our constitution also permits nominations at the AGM. For nominations in advance, please email [email protected] by 23:59 Thursday Jan 23 as follows:


I {name} nominate {name} for the role of {role}.


I {name} second {name} for the role of {role}.


I {name} {accept/decline} nomination for the role of {role}.

Please CC the nominee in any nomination and seconding. Also, we’d suggest that it is courteous to check with the nominee privately before nominating them to begin with. That is: although a nominee can formally decline (or even not respond), ideally this situation should not arise in the first place.

The proponent and seconder must be two different people, neither of them being the candidate. Members may make or second nominations for any number of roles, but not more than one candidate for each role.

The roles to be filled are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Programme Officer
  • Education Officer


Renewing members may appoint a proxy by emailing [email protected] by 23:59 Thursday Jan 23 as follows:

I {name} hereby appoint {name} to serve as my proxy at the 2025 AGM, and any adjournment thereof.

We’d encourage leaving proxies undirected (e.g. as above) — particularly because our constitution doesn’t require that the list of nominees for officer elections be finalised in advance of the meeting — however we’ll make reasonable efforts to accommodate directed proxy appointments if any are lodged.

Anyone appointing a proxy should make arrangements for the proxy to pay their subscription in cash at the AGM, in addition to the proxy’s own.

We’re not looking to accept proxy appointments by people wishing to apply to become a member, however we’ll consider requests on a case-by-case basis.

Extraordinary General Meeting Agenda

After several years of inactivity, we are at last bringing ISocSG back to life. Towards the end of January we’ll hold an in-person AGM which will also include our first on-mission activity for the year, but **before** we can do that we need a brief, online-only EGM to make it possible to complete some regulatory formalities.

The people eligible to attend (those who were voting members at the 2021 AGM) have already been invited directly, the purpose of this post is solely to publish “the particulars of the agenda”.

1. Credentials
2. Presentation and adoption of financial reports and report of the committee for FYE2021, FYE2022, and FYE2023.
3. Retrospective appointment of the 2021 committee for 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Submission to PDPC

Our thanks to all who joined us on Monday or wrote to us in advance.

The session didn’t run as smoothly as I’d envisaged, but it occurred to me afterwards that this fact was itself valuable input for our submission. Pre-emptively addressing things that non-experts don’t understand is why the guidelines are being proposed in the first place! So, several of the things which led to lengthy “how does this work?” discussions now appear in our submission as areas for improvement in the guidelines.

Here is our submission as we provided it to PDPC.

TraceTogether, Device Management Application, and Privacy

Join the Internet Society Singapore Chapter on Zoom at 7PM on Wednesday 10 March 2021, as we host a lively panel discussion on two very Singaporean online privacy issues that have hit the news recently: TraceTogether and Device Management Application (MOE’s DMA for students’ Personal Learning Devices). Pose questions to our panel of technology, security, and legal experts and share your own thoughts.

Immediately after the webinar ends (8PM) you are also invited to stay on (optional) for the Annual General Meeting of the Internet Society Singapore Chapter and election of the new Executive Committee.

Background Reading on TraceTogether

Background Reading on Device Management

To find out more and to register to join the Zoom call, visit

Webinar on Digital Inclusivity and Digital Divide

Date: Wed 29 July 2020, from 7 – 9 PM

Moderator: Prof Sofia Morales (Project Leader / Executive Committee Member, Internet Society Singapore Chapter)
Professor Sun Sun Lim – contextual background on internet penetration and device adoption rates, the need for metrics to be refined, and research on ‘invisible illiteracies’
Professor Irene Y.H. Ng – implications of a digital divide to low-income households and society, why universal digital inclusion is necessary
Professor Natalie Pang – the laptops initiative, research on digital equity, findings on conceptualising ‘vulnerability’ in digital information practices

More details and speaker bios below

This meeting is to create awareness about different layers of the digital divide, exploring the complex reality of this issue that has been simplified as lack of connectivity and technology. Discussions about this intricate reality are needed to identify different levels of the problem, to find possible and more adequate solutions.
Current initiatives to mitigate the problem will be explained and discussed to recognize the efforts made and its real impact on the inclusion.
Sun Sun Lim is Professor of Communication and Technology and Head of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. She has extensively researched the social impact of technology, delving into technology domestication, digital disruptions and smart city technologies. She recently published Transcendent Parenting – Raising Children in the Digital Age (Oxford University Press, 2020) and co-edited The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society (Oxford University Press, 2020). She serves on eleven journal editorial boards and several public bodies including the Media Literacy Council and the Singapore Environment Council. From 2018-2020 she was a Nominated Member of the 13th Parliament of Singapore. She frequently offers her expert commentary in diverse outlets including Nature, Scientific American, Channel NewsAsia, Business Times and Straits Times.

Irene Y.H. Ng is an Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of the Social Service Research Centre in the National University of Singapore. She holds a joint Ph.D. in Social Work and Economics from the University of Michigan. Her research areas include poverty and inequality, intergenerational mobility, and social welfare policy. Her research projects include a study of in-work poverty among the young; an evaluation of a national Work Support program; National Youth Surveys 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019; a study of low-income households with debt; and an evaluation of Social Service Offices. She is active in the community, serving or having served in committees in the Ministry of Social and Family Development, National Council of Social Service, Ministry of Manpower, and various voluntary welfare organizations. Her teaching areas include poverty, policy, welfare economics, and program planning.

Natalie Pang is Senior Lecturer at Communications and New Media Department as well as Principal Investigator at the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community, both at the National University of Singapore. She completed her PhD in Information Technology at Monash University, where her doctoral work earned two university awards and contributed to a state nomination of leadership in the arts. Her research areas include digital citizenship, digital humanities, datafication and digital well-being. Her latest publication on vulnerability in youth digital information practices has recently won the 2020 Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition Award from the Association for Library and Information Science Education.

Webinar on Navigating New Election Laws in Singapore 2020

This webinar on the new election laws in Singapore was 7 PM Singapore time, Wednesday 1 July 2020 

The Internet is vital for Singapore’s General Election 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic: campaigning, canvassing, and commenting will all be online. But what are we, as ordinary citizens on the Internet, legally able (or not) to do online during this time?
Join the expert panel of Prof Kevin Tan, Prof Ang Peng Hwa, and Remy Choo, at our Internet Society Singapore Chapter event, as they take us through the new election laws that regulate this unusual campaign, Cooling Off Day, and the polls on 10 July.
Adjunct Professor Kevin Tan, NUS Law School
Prof Ang Peng Hwa, NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Remy Choo, Director, Peter Low & Choo LLC
Bryan Tan, Partner, Pinsent Mason

Graphics credits
Map by Vsion at en.wikipedia. – Own work; transferred from en.wikipedia using CommonsHelper., CC BY-SA 3.0,
Voter image by JK_HGZ from Pixabaynavigating-FBcover-faces

Securing Global Routing with Internet Society

More than 300 people joined InterCommunity: Securing Global Routing for an informative conversation about protecting the Internet from the most common routing threats.

A big thank you to our moderator and panelists: Melchior Aelmans of Juniper Networks, Abdul Awal of the Bangladesh National DataCentre, Mark Tinka of SEACOM, Kevin Blumberg from TORIX, Jorge Cano from, and Tashi Phuntsho from APNIC. If you missed the community call, or want to experience it again, you can watch the recording here.

Ready to get involved? Learn more about the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security at  and contact us to participate with the Singapore Chapter

Project Update and Call for Participants

7 PM (Singapore) on Wednesday 3 June 2020

Our projects are all in motion, and there’s still time for you to get involved. Join us for this call to find out how you can participate in (or just watch and learn about):
– Securing global routing
– Securing time
– Open standards
– Election rules
– Accessibility & Digital Inclusivity
– Emergency/Community network
– Contract for the Web
– United Nations processes for state use of cyberspace

This meeting will be livestreamed on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Links will be posted on our Meetup page and on this website.
Email us at [email protected] if you want to join in the Zoom discussion.
